
Friday, March 1, 2019

Ahoy Waitangi

A moment in time
SLOW DOWN!!!!!!! It was time to go on the rhibs. After we put all our safety gear on we burst into action and went by the rhib boats. We had to climb up this ladder to get on the boats. There were four seats in the front and four seats in the back. I was sitting in the front where all the action was. We were getting lowered into the water we started of slow, then only a couple seconds later ZOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We blasted over the wave we had already made when we were going slow. Every time we went over a wave I felt like we were going to tip over.                     

By Eva                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
WALT: We Are learning To write a little bit about the past.


  1. good job Eva keep it up

  2. wow eva you did a great job hope you post agin soon

  3. wow Eva amasing desciption it sounds like it was a blast to me it was awsome.

  4. cool Eva it sounded really awesome

  5. Tino pai Eva! It sounds like you had an awesome time on the Navy frigate. I like the way you have written ZOOM in capital letters and have several exclamation marks at the end of the word so people know that your were going really fast.

  6. wow Eva i like your work even tho i haven't red it yet but it looks very good already

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like the way you have used a range of descriptive words in this moment in time, Eva. The words burst and blasted make your writing sounds very exciting, as I'm sure your trip was! Well done sweetheart.


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